European Disciplinary Appeal Panel
European Disciplinary Appeal Panel (EDAP)
The object of the EDAP shall be to uphold the good name of the ESF and the game of Squash; and to resolve all problems relating to the conduct of MNAs, sponsors, individuals and the public in their relations with each other. Article M 3b of the Articles of the Association say that the Panel is installed by the Board and approved by the AGM.
The panel consist of the Chair and 4 members and they are nominated for 2 years. The quorum for hearing an appeal shall be any three of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and other members, except that no official or member of an MNA making the appeal or involved in that appeal may be in the quorum. If in the event that there are insufficient members of the EDAP to constitute a quorum, additional members may be co-opted by the Chairman with the approval of the ESF Officers.
The MNFs can nominate any interested individuals from their country, with a summary of their experience in squash (as a player, referee, coach, technical director, etc). The nominee must confirm that he/she has no financial interest in the game of Squash or, if he/she does have such interests, setting out in full the nature and extent of them.
The list of individuals will be presented to the Chair of EDAP who will then make his/her recommendation to the ESF Board for approval. Each member shall serve for a term of three years; and may be re-elected for additional terms without limit.
There are currently vacancies in the European Disciplinary Appeal Panel (Click here to download the EDAP Nomination Form 2024)
The term of appointment for a panel chairperson/member is 3 years, as identified in the Articles of Association.